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Re: st: rearranging small sets of data and rows to columns
Charles Vinis <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: rearranging small sets of data and rows to columns
Wed, 3 Aug 2011 13:25:22 -0400
I just had to do a somewhat similar thing and there is a great command
you can use called "reshape" that does exactly what you're trying to
do. Here's a link that explains how to use it better than I can:
Also, if you look reshape up in help it has some more good examples
and explanations.
Good luck!
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Doug Hess <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I am not sure if Stata is useful for doing the following and I'm not
> even sure what the vocabulary is for discussing this sort of
> rearranging of data. But here goes.
> A government agency gave me data in the following format (in a text
> file) and claims they cannot produce it any other way. Bringing it
> into Stata (ver.11) was not hard, but now I need to rearrange it.
> Each office essentially is its own set of rows and columns. The
> columns are months and the rows are something like this (the question
> rows are just simple counts of yeses to a yes/no question):
> Office 1
> Number of clients seen
> Number refused survey
> Question 1
> Question 2
> Question 3
> Office 2
> Number of clients seen
> Number refused survey
> Question 1
> Question 2
> Question 3
> Etc. for ~60 offices
> So I'd like to rearrange it with offices as rows (records) and the
> columns as questions by month (with number of clients seen as "size"
> and number refusing to take the survey as "refused"). So the variables
> are: Jan11Size, Jan11Refuse, Jan11Q1 Jan11Q2...Feb11Size , Feb11Refuse
> Feb11Q1, etc.
> Thoughts on how to do this? And are there terms of art for what kind
> of problem or method this is?
> Thank you.
> Doug
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