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Re: st: Curious behavior of fracpoly with Stata 11

From   Steven Samuels <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Curious behavior of fracpoly with Stata 11
Date   Tue, 31 May 2011 17:46:41 -0400

Oops.  I didn't clear timers between runs of my do file, so timer 1 shows two runs; the time for each is about 112 seconds.


I see something similar, except that the first version completes and gives the same results as the 10.1 version.

timer  on 1
fracpoly: logistic foreign mpg, adjust(no) degree(4)
timer off 1

sysuse auto, clear
version 10.1
timer on 2
fracpoly: logistic foreign mpg, adjust(no) degree(4)
timer off 2
timer list


timer list
  1:    223.83 /        2 =     111.9145
  2:      1.04 /        1 =       1.0410

[email protected]

On May 31, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Jean Bouyer wrote:


I observe a curious behavior of frapoly with Stata 11 :

when I use the command    fracpoly logistic Y X, adjust(no) degree(4) where Y is a 0/1 variable 
the dot-line begins indicating the progression of the computation, then stops and the program seems to be blocked

On the contrary, with the commands
version 10.1
fracpoly logistic Y X, adjust(no) degree(4)
the computation begins seems much more quick at the beginning and, what is more important, provides a result.

Is there an explanation ?


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