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st: RE: memory problem

From   "Sarah Edgington" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: memory problem
Date   Fri, 27 May 2011 10:38:33 -0700

I don't know if this is true across platforms and versions of Stata, but it
is the case that if you're working in windows with a 32 bit version of Stata
10 there's a trade-off between the maxvar setting and the mem setting.  If
you don't really have 30,000 variables try lowering maxvar and you may be
able to allocate more memory.  If you actually have 30,000 variables, you
might want to start by narrowing that down before trying to merge.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Elizabeth Sheila
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 8:00 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: memory problem

I'm encountering problems when I try to merge a file. 
My memory details and syntax are the following:

set maxvar 30000
set mem 1g
set more off
Details of set memory usage
    overhead (pointers)                           2,144        0.00%
    data                                     10,380,712        0.97%
    data + overhead                          10,382,856        0.97%
    free                                  1,063,358,960       99.03%
    Total allocated                       1,073,741,816      100.00%
Other memory usage
    set maxvar usage                         12,001,730
    set matsize usage                         1,315,200
    programs, saved results, etc.             5,649,298
    Total                                    18,966,228
Grand total                               1,092,708,044

I think that I have enough memory however, I have tried to extend  memory
more than 1g but I can't. 
What could be the problem?
Thanks for you help!

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