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Re: st: Right to Left Column Cascade or Adjustment
David Torres <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Right to Left Column Cascade or Adjustment
Tue, 24 May 2011 14:14:07 -0400
Thank you.
David Diego Torres, MA(Sociology)
PhD Candidate in Sociology
2044 Population Studies Center
University of Michigan Institute for Social Research
Ann Arbor MI 48106-1248
Tel 734.763.4098
Fax 734.763.1428
torresd at umich dot edu
Quoting Eric Booth <[email protected]>:
On May 24, 2011, at 10:08 AM, David Torres wrote:
There's probably a proper name for the process I'd like to carry out.
Say I have five columns of information with staggard cell inputs.
How do I go about moving all the information in a subsequent column
back through to the first column for which no information is
missing on the row?
I'm not sure what the proper name for this process is, nor could I
find any existing program that would do it.
The only name I could think of for this was -shiftleft- (based on
option to shift cells left in MS Excel because this is the first
thing I thought of when I read David's question). So, my previous
example could be turned into the program below. I'll add a couple
of more options and error checking into the code and submit it to
Kit for after he returns to Boston.
******!draft program -shiftleft-
*! Eric A. Booth <[email protected]>
*! May 2011
cap program drop shiftleft
program def shiftleft
syntax varlist
qui {
tempvar i N
g `i' = _n
reshape long Col, i(`i') j(`N')
drop `N'
drop if mi(Col)
bys `i': g `N' = _n
reshape wide Col, i(`i') j(`N')
inp Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
101 101 . . .
. 111 . . 333
. . . . 935
. . . 023 016
405 . . . 295 .
g x = runiform()*10
g x2 = "abc"
shiftleft Col1-Col5
- Eric
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754
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