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Re: st: RE: using loop to generate distributions with different means and standard deviations
Lance Wiggains <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: using loop to generate distributions with different means and standard deviations
Sat, 21 May 2011 17:38:56 -0400
I was able to piece the code together. It is true that when generating
multiple drawnorms in a loop the means and standard deviations have to
be specified in matrix form. This is the code that I found to work.
forvalues i=1/3 {
mkmat mean_item_`i' if `i'==_n, matrix(m)
mkmat sd_item_`i' if `i'==_n, matrix(sd)
drawnorm product`i'_dist, m(m) sd(sd)
Thanks for all of your help.
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:47 PM, Lance Wiggains
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I tried the command you suggested
> ds mean* sd*
> forvalues i=1/3 {
> drawnorm product`i'_dist, m(mean_item_`i') sd(sd_item_`i')
> }
> but it failed, I got this error
> means(mean_item_1) invalid
> r(198);
> end of do-file
> r(198);
> I think the variable might need to be in matrix form. Does that sound
> right? If so, do you know how would I create the vector with the
> relevant information.
> Thanks for all of your help,
> Lance
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Sarah Edgington <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Lance,
>> Is your actual data really different from the simulated data you've shown?
>> If not I don't understand why the solution I suggested before doesn't solve
>> your problem. If your variables are actually numbered like you've shown,
>> it's still just a -forvalues- loop to get the drawnorm part working.
>> forv i=1/3 {
>> drawnorm product`i', m(max_product`i') sd(sd_product`i')
>> }
>> Unless you give more specific information about the actual problem you're
>> trying to solve and why the suggested solution doesn't work, I don't think
>> you're going to get much help.
>> -Sarah
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Lance Wiggains
>> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 11:29 AM
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: using loop to generate distributions with different means and
>> standard deviations
>> Sorry for the vagueness. Right now I'm just using simulated data for 3
>> different products. Here is my code:
>> My data looks like this
>> Week Product 1 Product 2 Product 3
>> 1 50 45 50
>> 2 60 50 40
>> 3 70 55 30
>> 4 80 50 20
>> 5 90 45 10
>> 6 100 50 0
>> tsset week
>> gen n=_n
>> egen max_n=max(n)
>> ds week n max_n, not
>> foreach var in `r(varlist)'{
>> tssmooth ma ms_`var'= `var', weights(1 1<2>1)
>> }
>> ds ms*
>> foreach var in `r(varlist)' {
>> gen week3_`var'=`var' if n==max_n
>> egen max_week3_`var'=max(week3_`var')
>> drop week3*
>> }
>> drop ms*
>> ds week n max_*, not
>> foreach var in `r(varlist)' {
>> gen max_`var'=max_week3_ms_`var'
>> }
>> drop max_week*
>> keep if n+3>=max_n
>> ds week n max*, not
>> foreach var in `r(varlist)'{
>> egen sd_`var'=sd(`var')
>> }
>> rename max_n maximum_n
>> ds max_* sd* week, not
>> foreach var in `r(varlist)'{
>> drop `var'
>> }
>> drawnorm product1, m(max_product1) sd(sd_product1)
>> Thanks,
>> Lance
>> - Hide quoted text -
>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Sarah Edgington <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Lance,
>>> That's a different problem. From your original post I assumed you had
>>> all the variables already created.
>>> One strategy for writing loops is to write out the code for the first
>>> two examples of something repetitive you want to do. Then identify
>>> the parts of the example that remain the same across the examples.
>>> If you post the code your trying to repeat we may be able to help you
>>> but your current description is too vague for me to do much more than
>>> offer vague suggestions of how to think about loops.
>>> -Sarah
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [email protected]
>>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Lance
>>> Wiggains
>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 10:36 AM
>>> To: [email protected]
>>> Subject: Re: st: RE: using loop to generate distributions with
>>> different means and standard deviations
>>> I've tried that but the problem is that I'm pre-calculating the means
>>> and sd's for the variable because I'm only using the last 3-4
>>> observations for each variable to calculate those values. I'm doing
>>> this because I want it to reflect the changes that happen recently. My
>>> mean function uses tssmooth, with weights (1 1<2>), to average the
>>> last 3 weeks of sales. So if sales were 70,80,90, and 100 I get a
>>> value of 92.5 for my mean. It also calculates a SD for the last 3-4
>>> observations. Then I want to plug those numbers into the drawnorm function
>> using a loop. Any idea about how that would work?
>>> Lance
>>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Sarah Edgington <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Lance,
>>>> Try something like this:
>>>> forv i=1/3 {
>>>> drawnorm name`i', m(mean_var`i') sd(sd_var`i')
>>>> }
>>>> You'll run into problems, though, if your data actually includes the
>>>> variable names you list since there isn't a sd_var1.
>>>> -Sarah
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [email protected]
>>>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Lance
>>>> Wiggains
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 10:09 AM
>>>> To: [email protected]
>>>> Subject: st: using loop to generate distributions with different
>>>> means and standard deviations
>>>> Statalist members,
>>>> I'm trying to get Stata to generate a distribution of data from
>>>> variables in my data set.
>>>> My appended data looks like this
>>>> mean_var1=90
>>>> standard_deviation_var1=5
>>>> mean_var2=100
>>>> sd_var2=10
>>>> mean var3=110
>>>> sd_var3=15
>>>> and so on
>>>> I'm need a loop that will take my variables and create the
>>>> distributions for me.
>>>> I've been using the drawnorm command
>>>> drawnorm name1, m(mean_var1) sd(sd_var1) but I can't get it to
>>>> recognize more than 1 variable at a time
>>>> I want it to perform the distribution command for each pair of my
>>> variables.
>>>> I.e. (m_var1, sd_var1), (m_var2, sd_var2) , (m_var3, sd_var3)
>>>> Thanks for your consideration,
>>>> Lance
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