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st: Substitute for Notepad++ for editing Stata files in Linux.

From   Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Substitute for Notepad++ for editing Stata files in Linux.
Date   Fri, 20 May 2011 00:32:12 -0400

Dear Statalist.

I have used Notepad ++ to edit do files for a couple of years now.
Occasionally I work with Stata under Ubuntu on my computer or on the
Linux Server at work (I just open Stata there, I have no idea what
distribution of Linux that computer is running)

Editing do-files in the built-in editor on Linux without syntax
highlighting is driving me crazy. However, I do not want to swith to
Emacs or Vim since I am very happy with Notepad ++ and only use Linux

Having said that, which editor would you recommend to edit do files
under Linux? Ideally it would be

1. As close to Notepad ++ as possible
2. Able to execute pieces of code from within the editor.
On the second point, I read a couple of previous posts and I also
checked the review in the Boston College website (which seems
outdated), and I am getting the feeling that nobody has written code
to do that under Linux, but I might have missed something.

I also know that Notepad ++ runs under Wine. However I think the
Notepad++-Stata integration will not work in that case. Has anyone
tried that?

Thank you for your suggestions.
Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez

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