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st: RE: Creating a time lag dummy

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Creating a time lag dummy
Date   Tue, 10 May 2011 18:09:50 +0100

We can't comment on your code, and thus on what you got wrong, if you don't show any. You could do something like this: 

gen byte IPO5 = inrange(fyear - year_ipo, 1, 5) 

Please use Stata terminology: variables not columns! 

[email protected] 

Martijn S

I have a problem generating a 'special' dummy. This is my problem. I
have the following columns fyear and year_ipo. Now I want to create a
dummy which gives a 1 when a company has gone public in the prior 5
calendar years and a 0 otherwise.

So for example, I have a company which had an IPO in 1999. So this
dummy should create a 1 for the fiscal year 2000,2001...,2004 and a zero
for 2005,2006...2010.

Unfortunately I cannot get the dummy working.

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