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Re: st: filter by value labels

From   Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: filter by value labels
Date   Thu, 31 Mar 2011 16:31:33 -0400

Daniel Klein <[email protected]> et al.:

On further reflection, the last one used an incorrect and/or combo.
Also, for various reasons, one might not want the list of matching
observations, just a qualifier to apply to another command, so it
makes sense to return it.

prog drop _all
prog labmatch, rclass
version 11.1
syntax anything [, noList]
loc c "if "
forval j = 1(2)`: word count `anything'' {
loc v: word `j' of `anything'
loc vs `vs' `v'
loc m: word `=`j'+1' of `0'
mata:st_vlload("`:val lab `v''",v=.,t=.)
tokenize `s'
if real("`1'")<. {
if `"`c'"'!="if " loc c `c'&
if `"`2'"'=="" {
 loc c `c'(`v'==`1')
else {
 loc c `c'(
 loc n 1
 while `"`1'"'!="" {
  if `n++'==1 loc c `c'(`v'==`1')
  else loc c `c'|(`v'==`1')
  mac sh
 loc c `c')
if `"`c'"'=="if " loc c
if `"`c'"'!=""&"`list'"=="" l `vs' `c'
return local cond `c'
sysuse nlsw88, clear
labmatch race other married marr* collgrad col* occ Sal*
ret li
labmatch race other married marr* collgrad col* occ Sal*, nolist
ret li
labmatch race other married marr* collgrad col* occ "Sal*", nolist
ret li
labmatch race other married marr* occ *ers
ret li
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