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st: RE : st: Do-file no result, command line OK

From   <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE : st: Do-file no result, command line OK
Date   Tue, 29 Mar 2011 13:31:29 +0100

Thanks Uli, but no -preserve- nor -restore-. Quite weird indeed.

-------- Message d'origine--------
De: [email protected] de la part de Ulrich Kohler
Date: mar. 29/03/2011 13:19
À: [email protected]
Objet : Re: st: Do-file no result, command line OK
This sounds pretty weird. 

I sometimes experience something like this in Do-Files with a
-preserve-/-restore- part in it. When running those parts of the Do-File
that contain the -preserve- command but does not contain the -restore-
command, the end of the Do-file brings you back to the preserved data


Am Dienstag, den 29.03.2011, 12:52 +0100 schrieb
[email protected]:
> Dear Statalisters,
> I am running a do-file on a large dataset (4'999'453 observations). One of my command is:
> replace companyname_short=subinstr(companyname,"."," ",.)
> That is, I replace the dot in the variable "companyname" by a blank in the variable "companyname_short". When I run the do-file, stata tells me that x hundred thousands of "real changes" have been made, but actually nothing have changed in my dataset when I open the data viewer. However, when I copy and past the command from the do-file into the command line, everything works fine.
> Any idea to make it run smoothly with the do-file?
> Best,
> Xavier 
> Xavier Vollenweider
> PhD candidate & Walsh fellow
> London School of Economics
> mob: +44(0)75 3531 9211
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