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st: checking and correcting proportional hazard assumption with categorical and time dependent variables

From   Dorean Nabukalu <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: checking and correcting proportional hazard assumption with categorical and time dependent variables
Date   Wed, 23 Mar 2011 07:23:05 -0700 (PDT)

Dear all,
I have one or two questions.
I  understand that one can use the stphtest to test for proportionality in  a 
cox model and if violated can add an interaction term with time using  the tvc 
and texp command for continous variables. 

My question is
how do you approach that similar problem with categorical variables (having more 

than 2 levels)?

If one of the variables (categorical) changes with time, how do I handle it in 
the model? 

Stratifying  does not help much because I have more than one variable varying 
with  time and also would like to estimate the effect of the stratifying  
I will be grateful for any assistance rendered

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