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RE: st: restricting margins to significant variables only
Richard Williams <[email protected]>
[email protected]
RE: st: restricting margins to significant variables only
Fri, 18 Mar 2011 12:59:53 -0500
At 11:41 AM 3/18/2011, Nick Cox wrote:
Either way, one over-arching point is that modifications to a model
make nonsense of the classical idea of hypothesis testing and of
what P-values mean.
Lots of us, and I include myself, view modelling as a highly
iterative process guided by data, and indeed what else should it be?
Some of us, ditto, sit loose to P-values and don't take them very
seriously. But those who want to select their models in the light of
the data and then write them up keeping exactly the same view of
P-values as if the model published is exactly the model first
thought of are playing a rather strange game.
[email protected]
I agree, and one of the things that has always troubled me is the
view that diagnostic tests (and resulting model modifications) are
good while stepwise regression is bad. Either way, you are looking at
the data first before coming up with the final model. That doesn't
mean you don't do diagnostic tests but you should somehow take into
account that the reported P-values for your final model are probably
wrong. Further, researchers often run a bunch of models before
reporting the "winners," and that can also cause the reported
P-values to be highly deceptive.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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