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Re: st: incorrect results seen when creating new variable by multiplying existing variables
Joerg Luedicke <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: incorrect results seen when creating new variable by multiplying existing variables
Wed, 9 Mar 2011 00:04:06 -0500
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:17 PM, Mariano Matias Iberico
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I have a problem when trying to generate a new master variable to identify
> clusters for an -expand– I use later.
> When passing into 1000s of observations the newid variable becomes funky.
> I managed to recreate the problem using a stata dataset:
> . sysuse nlsw88.dta
> . keep idcode age grade
> . replace grade=1 if grade==.
> . generate newid=.
> . format %11.0g newid
> . replace newid=_n*10000+age*100+grade
> The problem is evident if you look at observation 2236 for example.
> Newid idcode age grade
> 22364108 5127 41 7
> The grade portion of the newid does not parse with the actual grade
> variable.
> When using:
> . display 2236*10000+41*100+7
> The result is fine!
> This same problem occurs with observations 2238, 2241 and many others.
> I can't figure out why this is occurring!
you should probably generate newid as double such as:
generate double newid=.
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