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Re: st: Creating long, filledin dataset from two, year variables
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Creating long, filledin dataset from two, year variables
Mon, 7 Mar 2011 01:20:28 +0000
Your question and code are very confused. Focusing on your code
foreach v of varlist start_date* - end_date* {
gen new`v' = `v' - `v' if substr("`v'",-3,.) != substr("`v'",1,3)
-foreach- will cycle over a set of variables -- one at a time, which
is not I guess what you want. But your minus sign in the varlist is
illegal, which is provoking the error message. A minus sign can be
part of a varlist as in make-foreign, but it can't be a connector for
two wildcards. If you want it to function like a mathematical minus
sign, that is just guessing wrongly at what might work. The syntax for
-foreach- is that after -varlist- only varlists are allowed.
For each variable, you try to generate a new variable, which is given
by the expression
`v' - `v'
but that reduces to zero if both variables are numeric. The first `v'
and the second `v' are one and the same to -foreach-.
In using the condition -if substr("`v'",-3,.) != substr("`v'",1,3)-
you appear to be confusing the -
if- command and the -if- qualifier. The condition translates as
if the last 3 characters of the variable name are not the same as the
first 3 character of the variable name
but that would always be true of your variables -start_date*- and
-end_date*- as you explain them, so that -if- shouldn't bite. Perhaps
you are here confusing the name of a variable and the values it
contains. Even then I can't guess at your intent.
Focusing on your question: It would help a lot if you just gave one
consolidated example with real, or realistic, data and not bits and
pieces of explanation and cross-references to another question. In
addition, are these numeric or string variables, etc.?
I read your posting twice and it is still unclear to me. Of course, if
someone else understands and gives you a solution, then that's fine by
Nick (not Mr!)
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Adrian Stork <[email protected]> wrote:
> I hope Kevin's question is answered because I'm dealing with a pretty similar
> issue but with an additional trick:
> There's not only one var for start-date and one var for end-date but a
> large number of start and end dates
> (startdate01-startdate80 & enddate01-endate80). Each start and end date indicate
> the time frame in which a doctor was active in project.
> So the varlist looks like:
> Project* StartDate1 Endate1 Doctor1 StartDate2
> Enddate2 Doctor2 ...
> *A project can be led by different doctors across time and even
> simultaneously by several doctors.
> A doctor can have several projects at the same time.
> For each doctor(i) I want to assign which projects he is/was working
> for on a monthly basis (Long Panel)
> The structure would be identical to Kevin's except for the additional projects:
> Doctor month Project1 Project2
> Smith Jun2001 canc vaccin
> Smith Jul2001 canc ...
> Smith Aug2001 ... ...
> Taylor Jan1999 ...
> I tried to generate the date variable as in Kevin's case but "invalid
> name" came back:
> .foreach v of varlist start_date* - end_date* {
> .gen new`v' = `v' - `v' if substr("`v'",-3,.) != substr("`v'",1,3)
> .}
> I hope someone knows how to assign the monthly date and the projects
> to the doctors.
> I read the FAQs regarding -reshape-,but that didn't help either. I'd
> really appreciate any
> comment on that and thanks, Mr.Cox,for the answer to Kevin. It gave me
> a first perspective
> on the issue.
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