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Re: st: RE: variance in glm

From   Argyn Kuketayev <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: variance in glm
Date   Wed, 2 Mar 2011 23:00:16 -0500

this is what i've done.

1. got residuals of linear regression
regress Y X
predict res, r

2. tabulated for each X, and got frequencies and st devs
table X, c(N res sd res) replace
g w=table1-1

3. computed relative errors
g re=table2/X

4. regressed relative errors over inverse squares of X, with weight
proportional to freq of X
g Xin2=1/X
regress re Xin2 [aweight=w]

R-squared     =  0.8316
Adj R-squared =  0.8281

finally, i have an estimate of st dev of errors:
2.75 / X + 0.5 X

now i want to plug this into Stata, so that it assumes that
Var[Ei] = 2.75 / Xi + 0.5 Xi
in Yi = Xi + Ei

any idea how?


On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Keith Dear <[email protected]> wrote:
> Argyn,
> You might consider calculating squared residuals and modelling those as as
> function of X using gamma errors (glm).  If the original errors Ei are
> normal, their squares will be distributed proportional to chi-squared
> (special case of gamma). Then you can test for constant variance, which
> would be rejected if the mean of the squared residuals turns out to depend
> on X.
> Keith

Argyn Kuketayev

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