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st: Restriction options when doing propensity score matcing

From   Dimitrije Tišma <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Restriction options when doing propensity score matcing
Date   Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:52:26 +0100

Dear all,

In the dataset I am working with, the observation group is actually a
longitudinal panel with repeated observations for the same individual.
Now, I would like to know if commands psmatch2 or match (or some other
commands) include options that would allow me to set the restriction
that individuals in the control group can be matched to more than one
individual in the treatment group (this should be fairly easy), BUT
ALSO that only one observation (person-year) from the control group
can be used for matching with the treatment group. In other words, I
want Stata to choose only one wave for each individual in the control
group when doing matching. Is this possible? Thanks a lot in advance,

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