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st: update and new package on SSC: -njc_stuff- and -roman-

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: update and new package on SSC: -njc_stuff- and -roman-
Date   Fri, 21 Jan 2011 13:13:18 +0000

Thanks to the ever-busy Kit Baum: 

1. The existing package -njc_stuff- has been updated on SSC. This is an idiosyncratic package consisting only of two help files, -njc_stuff- and -njc_best_stuff-. (In recent Statas, you need not type the underscores and can use spaces instead.) The files provide catalogues of my own downloadable Stata code according to its varying places, uses and merits. This was written primarily for my own purposes, but anyone who uses my stuff might find it helpful. 

2. There is a new package -roman-, which supersedes the package -romantoarabic- posted last month in response to a thread started by Tony Lachenbruch. This perhaps is more interesting in principle than in practice, but one never knows for sure. 

[email protected] 
      'ROMAN': module  for handling Roman numerals and decimal equivalents 
      The Stata programs toroman and fromroman convert decimal numbers to and 
      from Roman numerals. The file roman.mata contains matching Mata functions. 
      KW: Roman numerals
      KW: regular expressions
      KW: strings
      Requires: Stata version IX
      Author: Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University
      Support: email [email protected]

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