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st: svy frequency question

From   Jet <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: svy frequency question
Date   Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:36:50 -0500

Dear Sir/Madam,

    I have a quick question about using the Svy command for complex
data. As I show below the command can only give out the proportions,
but no frequencies. I learned that in SAS it would give also the
frequencies after the proportions for 0 and 1. I checked the svy help,
but to no avail. Anyone has thoughts? thank you very much.



svy: ta old60 if RANCEST==3
(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata   =        50                Number of obs      =       600
Number of PSUs   =        77                Population size    = 2533494.5
                                                         Design df
     =        27

V07306       |
(Age)          | proportions
        0 |       .8687
        1 |       .1313
  Total  |           1
  Key:  proportions  =  cell proportions
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