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st: Centering variables for interactions and using mi regress

From   Amy S <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Centering variables for interactions and using mi regress
Date   Sat, 15 Jan 2011 13:12:15 -0800 (PST)

Hello everyone!  This may be a very basic question for most of you, but I am running regressions using multiple imputation (mi regress) in stata 11.  Because my models have interactions, I need to center the continuous variables used in those interactions.  However, I am unsure how to do this for the variable I am imputing.  In the past, without multiple imputation, I have just centered the variables first, and then used the new centered variables (and interaction terms with those center variables) in the regression.  However, because the missing data on the variable is imputed based on the regression model itself, I don�think I can do that.  Please correct me if I�wrong, but  I doubt it�legit to simply begin by centering the variable and then use mi regress to impute with the centered form of the variables, is it?  Even if that is legit, how would I create the interaction term before putting it into the regression if all the data
 has not been imputed yet and therefore there are missing variables?  Maybe there is a simple way to do all of the centering and creating interaction terms and runnign the regression model with imputation all in one step - I'm hoping so!    
Thanks in advance! 


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