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st: Install ado Files on Mac (different from Windows PC?)

From   Nils Braakmann <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Install ado Files on Mac (different from Windows PC?)
Date   Wed, 12 Jan 2011 08:11:38 +0000

Hi everyone,

I recently downloaded some .ado and .hlp Files from an author's
private web page (not set up as a Stata download page). To install
them the author recommended simply copying them into the appropriate
personal folder (found by -adopath-). Being a former Windows user I
remember that this approach always worked fine. However, after doing
the same on my Mac Stata does not seem to be able to find the file
(i.e., gives the error messages you would expect when a file simply
does not exist). Is there anything fundamentally different with
installing ado-files on a Mac? (If not I probably messed up somewhere,
although I am not entirely sure how I could have managed to do that
with copying a file, which seems simple enough...)

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