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st: Error after -predict- in -apc_ie-
Steven Samuels <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Error after -predict- in -apc_ie-
Mon, 3 Jan 2011 22:46:52 -0500
Wincent Ronggui Huang ([email protected]) wrote to me privately
that advice that I had given in August about -predict- following -
apc_ie- did not work. (-apc_ie- is the age-period-cohort "intrinsic
estimation" command. It and apc_cglim ("generalized linear models
with equality constraints on age-period-cohort effects") are commands
in package -ap by Schulhofer-Wohl and Yang. ("net describe apc, from(
I got mixed up and gave Wincent information about apc_cglim, not
apc_ie. -predict- works after -apc_cglim-, but after -apc_ie- it
raises an error. In the example do file that accompanies the package,
the error message is:
". predict mu;
variable age_0 not found
I apologize to Wincent for my mistake. I can only suggest that he
contact the authors of -apc-.
On Jan 2, 2011, at 9:55 PM, Wincent wrote:
May I ask how to use the three options. It generates an error like
. use "apc_example_data.dta", clear
. apc_ie death_f if age<=90, age(age) period(year) cohort(cohort)
family(poisson) link(log) exposure(exp_f) agefx(A) cohortfx(C)
option agefx() not allowed
On 1 August 2010 20:24, Steve Samuels <[email protected]> wrote:
The -help- for -apc_ie- indicates that it takes -glm- options, and
inspection of the source code reveals that it indeed calls -glm-. So
all -glm- post-estimation command should work. The answer to your
question is "yes", provided you use the agefx(), periodfx() and
cohortfx() options (not mentioned in the -help-) and keep the
generated variables. Run the second example in the accompanying do
file (net describe apc, from( and
do _not_ drop the generated variables _A* _P* and _C*. Then -predict-
should work as expected.
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