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st: moptimize gf evaluator

From   Klaus Pforr <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: moptimize gf evaluator
Date   Mon, 15 Nov 2010 15:21:52 +0100


Dear Listers,

I posted this already a few days ago, but obviously put my question to complicated to receive any answers. Is it true, that the gf type evaluator for moptimize expects a score matrix of dimension L x K, with L being the the number of independet elements and K being the number of coefficients? I do not understand how I can derive such a matrix with panel data, for which this evaluator type is recommended. Is this a matrix of dL[j]/dbeta[i], with L[j] being the log likelihood contribution of panel group j derived with respect to beta coeffient i?

best regards

Klaus Pforr


Klaus Pforr
Universität Mannheim
D - 68131 Mannheim
Tel:  +49-621-181 2801 (nachmittags)
fax:  +49-621-181 2803

Besucheranschrift: A5, Raum A312

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