In -relabel()- the "# refers to category number, which is determined
by sorting the unique values of the
variable (here sex) and assigning 1 to the first value, 2 to
the second, and so on" (from help file).
sysuse auto,clear
replace rep = rep +2003
tab rep
graph bar (mean) mpg, over(rep, ///
relabel(2004 "2004-05" 2005 "2005-06" 2006 "2006-07" 2007 ///
"2007-8" 2008 "2008-09" )) name(gr1, replace)
graph bar (mean) mpg, over(rep, ///
relabel(1 "2004-05" 2 "2005-06" 3 "2006-07" 4 "2007-8" 5 "2008-09"))
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Sue <[email protected]> wrote:
> I tried that already but it doesn't work:
> foreach var in realloangrowth realdepositgrowth {
> local v1: variable label `var'
> graph bar (mean) `var', label ///
> over(year, relabel(2005 "2004-05" 2006 "2005-06" 2007 "2006-07" 2008
> "2007-08") ///
> label(labsize(vsmall))) ytitle(`v1') ///
> bargap(2) b1title("Year") by(ctype, title("`v1' by cgroup")) ///
> /*graph export `var'_pre.png, replace*/
> }
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