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Re: st: File cannot be save error message. Problem with xml_tab and log using.

From   Amadou DIALLO <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: File cannot be save error message. Problem with xml_tab and log using.
Date   Tue, 23 Jun 2009 20:01:08 +0300

I am not sure. I think it's probably 2) because as I said to Zurab
yesterday, the code was running fine for one dataset. I began to
experience problems when I've set up all the datasets in a loop to
automatize the job.
Issuing the winxec command combined to the sleep command so far seems
to be the solution as my code is now running perfectly (I have
processed almost hald of the datasets and no crash so far...)
Thanks for all your help!!!

2009/6/23, Michael I. Lichter <[email protected]>:
> In the thread he refers to, Eric explains that likely causes are:
> "(1) your computer/OS is capriciously setting your file with a read-only
> attribute (as Nick points out, this can happen with Windows XP) or (2)
> when Stata tells the OS to write the file to myfile_happ.txt, the OS is
> moving too slowly, Stata moves on to the next loop and tries to write
> again, but the file is read- only because it is still being written to
> by the OS (or BOTH (1) and (2) are happening)."
> I had a similar experience a few weeks ago, and the problem was akin to
> #2. I use Windows Live Sync (WLS), which maintains file synchronization
> on multiple computers. In one instance, I was getting errors because
> Stata was writing a file and then trying to overwrite the file faster
> than WLS could lock, copy, and unlock it. I wonder if Amadou is having
> problems for similar reasons (some sort of file sharing program).
> Michael
> Eric A. Booth wrote:
>> I've had success with setting the file/folder permissions using the
>> command line.
>>  Look at this statalist thread for details:
>> Eric
>> __
>> Eric A. Booth
>> Public Policy Research Institute
>> Texas A&M University
>> [email protected]
>> Office: +979.845.6754
>> On Jun 23, 2009, at 1:36 AM, Amadou DIALLO wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Many thanks for your answer. I have put a cd "" on the top of the do
>>> file before running the code, so basically, I shouldn't have the
>>> problem. The folder I am saving is a sub directory in "My Documents",
>>> that is "My Documents/Data".
>>> But when I right-clik on the Data folder to check its properties, I
>>> see that folder is read-only. I remove the read-only button check and
>>> re-run the stata code, but when I check again later the folder turns
>>> back to "read-only". Very frustrating !!!
>>> I am the owner of the laptop. I have administrator rights, so I do not
>>> know what to do else.
>>> Thanks for your time.
>>> Amadou.
>>> 2009/6/22, Zurab Sajaia <[email protected]>:
>>>> Hi Amadou,
>>>> If the folder where you're trying to save files (any files, xml_tab
>>>> output,
>>>> log, datasets etc) is write protected then of course that can
>>>> explain error
>>>> 603, Stata needs to be able to save on that location. are you
>>>> specifiying
>>>> the full path in the save() or -using- options? if you just write
>>>> save(results.xml) that means that you want to save in the current
>>>> working
>>>> folder, which most of the cases is Stata folder (c:\program
>>>> files\stata10\
>>>> or something like that) and most probably protected by your system
>>>> administrator.
>>>> Try puting a path, which you are sure you have access to, like your "my
>>>> documents" folder and see if you get the same problem.
>>>> Without having more info about your setup I can't think of any other
>>>> suggestion.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Zurab
>>>>> Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 19:08:56 +0300
>>>>> Subject: st: File cannot be save error message. Problem with
>>>>> xml_tab and
>>>>> log using.
>>>>> From: [email protected]
>>>>> To: [email protected]
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am using two computers with no usb or alike so I cannot show what is
>>>>> going on.
>>>>> I am trying to output tabulations and regression results in a single
>>>>> excel file. I am using xml_tab. Each set of results is saved in a
>>>>> separate sheet. The first option of xml_tab is "replace" followed by
>>>>> a set of "append" commands. However, After a few runs, stata issues an
>>>>> error message:
>>>>> file can not be saved at this location
>>>>> r(603);
>>>>> I try to unprotect the folder (removed the "read-only" check) but it
>>>>> still coming back to read only. Is that the problem? I have the same
>>>>> problem when I try to save in a log file.
>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>> Amadou.
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Amadou B. DIALLO, PHD
>>>>> Development Economist
>>>>> Director, Center for Research and Training on Adult Education
>>>>> Mayotte, FRANCE
>>>>> +262639693250
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>>> --
>>> ---
>>> Amadou B. DIALLO, PHD
>>> Development Economist
>>> Director, Center for Research and Training on Adult Education
>>> Mayotte, FRANCE
>>> +262639693250
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> --
> Michael I. Lichter, Ph.D. <[email protected]>
> Research Assistant Professor & NRSA Fellow
> UB Department of Family Medicine / Primary Care Research Institute
> UB Clinical Center, 462 Grider Street, Buffalo, NY 14215
> Office: CC 126 / Phone: 716-898-4751 / FAX: 716-898-3536
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Development Economist
Director, Center for Research and Training on Adult Education
Mayotte, FRANCE
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