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st: median for last 3 years within groups

From   "Fabian Brenner" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: median for last 3 years within groups
Date   Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:03:04 +0200

Dear all:

I have 10 different "groups" of people and I want to get the median "age" (across observations) for the last 3 years within each group for each year. 

I have the following idea but unfortunately I don't have any idea how to get the median.

sort year group
genenerate threeyearmedian=.
generate median=.

quietly forvalues k = 1/10 {
quietly forvalues y = 1982/2006 { 
	local y1 = `y' - 3 
	local y2 = `y' - 1 	
	generate median = ??? median age ???  if inrange(year, `y1', `y2') & group==`k' 
	replace threeyearmedian median if year == `y' & group ==`k' 

Hope someone can help me.

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