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Re: st: Any way to annotate a Stata graph with LaTeX?
I would be very interested in a detailed FAQ on your system for doing
this on a Mac. Maybe it could grow into a graphics hacks file for
others OSs like the text editor files has grown. I use a Mac.
On Aug 25, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Daniel Becker wrote:
Am 25.08.2008 um 10:52 schrieb Richard Sperling:
Has anyone developed a way or method to incorporate LaTeX formatted
text into a Stata graph? It would be great if the Stata graph editor
had the capability to generate LaTeX formatted annotations. For Mac
users, I have in mind something along the lines of the program
that allows one to add snippets of LaTeX text to Powerpoint or
My way is: Exporting the Stata graph as an eps, then using a .tex
file like the one posted below. This file is then typeset by the
following sequence of commands aslo posted below (in TeXShop, a Mac-
Frontend for LaTeX, I do this via an "engine file" epsoverlay)
If anyone is interested, I could provide more details how to prepare
your system to do all this. It assumes that the command epspdf
exists, for instance. Of course this is not very convenient, at
first sight, but works for me. It is even possible to use pstricks ...
++++++++++++++++++++++ start sequence of commands
set path= ($path /usr/texbin /usr/local/bin)
set filename = "$1"
set dviname = "${filename:r}.dvi"
set psname = "${filename:r}.ps"
set pdfname = "${filename:r}.pdf"
set pdfnamebb = "${filename:r}-bb.pdf"
set epsnamebb = "${filename:r}.eps"
set auxname = "${filename:r}.aux"
set logname = "${filename:r}.log"
# run latex via ghostscript on the tex-file
latex --shell-escape "$1"
dvips -Ppdf -o "$psname" "$dviname"
ps2pdf13 -dAutoRotatePages=/None "$psname" "$pdfname"
# calculate bounding box
epspdf -bb "$pdfname" "$epsnamebb"
epspdf -bb "$pdfname" "$pdfnamebb"
# clean up
/bin/rm "$pdfname"
/bin/rm "$dviname"
/bin/rm "$auxname"
/bin/rm "$psname"
/bin/rm "$logname"
#rename pictures
mv "$pdfnamebb" "$pdfname"
+++++++++++++ start LaTeX file
%!TEX TS-program = epsoverlay
%%%% HERE: Load the eps-file
%%%% HERE: add LaTeX/pstricks
% grid to see coordinates, comment out when done
% Add labels etc here:
\rput{0}(5.9,3.9){$b = 1$}
\rput{0}(3.4,2.2){$b = 5 $ nicht verwendet}
\rput{0}(2.9,1.2){$b = 10 $}
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