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RE: st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?

From   "Verkuilen, Jay" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Bootstrapping Conf Intervals - what do they mean?
Date   Fri, 6 Jun 2008 12:19:50 -0400

Maarten buis wrote:

This distinction between Bayesian and frequentist statistics touches at
the very foundation of statistics, however as a practical matter it is
much less important than you might guess (though knowledge in this area
can sometimes be useful, and it is certainly fun). In this sense I
totally agree with the following long quote below by the Bayseian
Leonard Savage (1972, p.1): <snipppp>

That's really great and I think expresses a good, workable attitude. The
tools that frequentists have developed (bootstrapping being just one
example) are really, really useful. 

Savage was eminently quotable. He died too young (at age 53) but made a
huge impact on the field.


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