I am not sure that I understand exactly where the difficulty is, but
if any command places a matrix into an r()-result, it is possible to
output it to, say, Excel with -xml_tab-.
If you want to mechanically dump all the results of r-class commands,
then here is how:
1. create a program Protocol.ado in your ado directory
program define Protocol
return clear // need this in case anything is not an r-class command
quietly `0'
di "Saved Results:"
di `"`:r(matrices)'"'
di `"`:r(scalars)'"'
di `"`:r(macros)'"'
di `"`:r(functions)'"'
local matrixlist `"`:r(matrices)'"'
// Here do whatever you want with the contents, e.g. list the matrices
foreach m of local matrixlist {
matrix list r(`m')
2. Open a log file
3. instead of writing "sum x" write "Protocol sum x" everywhere in your program
4. Close the log file
sysuse auto
log using C:\MyLogFile.txt, text
Protocol tabstat price length weight, save
log close
Hope this is what you were looking for.
Best regards,
On 5/22/08, Dr. Stephen Rothenberg <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am setting up do-files in anticipation of running repetitive descriptive
> statistics for a long-term project. I will need to produce appendices that
> contain these descriptive statistics, each of which will be scores of pages
> long.
> My problem is logging the output of commands like -sum- or -fsum- so I can
> print the appendix stats. I'd like to produce output that contains only the
> results of the commands in legible tables and my preceding comments that
> identify them, without the tedious chore of editing out the commands
> themselves. The commands run to nearly 400 lines in scattered places
> throughout the log, despite using -bysort- to combine analyses.
> Stata includes such commands as -quietly- and the various -set output-
> variations, all of which suppress results output. The user-supplied
> commands in the -estout- family and others do a great job in producing
> tables of estimation output. They do not work with descriptive commands,
> which are r-class commands. Stata allows me to open two logs
> simultaneously, one showing commands, comments, results, and error messages,
> the other showing only the commands, but not only results and comments.
> I've searched the FAQs, the ssc contributions, and Statalist, without
> success.
> Does anyone know:
> 1. A way to log only results of r-class commands in presentable tables?
> 2. If not, can someone provide a method that will do this?
> 3. If nothing now exists, will StataCorp consider making output only logging
> possible in future releases?
> Steve Rothenberg
> Yucatan, Mexico
> *
> * For searches and help try:
> * http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
> * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
> * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/