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Re: st: Problem Using Bootstrapping with Ordered Logit 'gweight not allowed'

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Problem Using Bootstrapping with Ordered Logit 'gweight not allowed'
Date   Mon, 19 May 2008 17:39:03 -0500

Rodwan M Abouharb <[email protected]> is having trouble with the -vce(bootstrap)-
option with -ologit-:

> I am a newbie when it comes to bootstrapping. The vce command seemed like
> the easiest way to obtain alternative error estimates for each of the
> independent variables. I am using STATA 9.2.
> I have been trying to implement the bootstrapping option using an ordered
> logit. I have tried variations on this including removing all of the 'if'
> and 'cluster' statements and tried also using vce(jack). None of these seem
> to work and I always get the 'option gweight not allowed' error term. I
> can't find any information on what 'gweight' refers too.

Rodwan should type the following within Stata to check on the current state of
the Stata 9.2 executable and ado-files.

	. update query

Based on Rodwan's reported error message, it appears that Rodwan's Stata 9.2
executable is not fully up-to-date.  The remedy for this is to run the
following Stata commands:

	. update all
	. update swap


For those interested, the update on 31july2006 contained the addition of the
-gweight- option to the -_parse- command.  -_parse- is used by the parsing
engine employed by the -bootstrap- and -jackknife- prefix commands, which are
called when the -vce(bootstrap)- and -vce(jackknife)- options are specified.

[email protected]
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