Here's a template on running loops with outreg:
* data setup
cd d:\
sysuse auto, clear
gen id=0
replace id=1 in 16/45
ren foreign year
levelsof year
* the relevant part
foreach var in `r(levels)' {
xi: areg price mpg turn i.rep if year==`var', absorb(id)
outreg using myfiles, `append'
local append "append"
Here's the original solution:
>Dear all,
>May I ask a novice question? I'm really new to Stata. I want to run regression
>by year and the outreg the coefficients for each year. I want to use like :
>by year: xi: areg score age education , absorb(nation), but stata tells me "by"
>can not be combined with xi. Anyone has good solutions? Also I don't think
>using by can outreg coefficients for each year.
>Many thanks in advance!
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