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st: way to align -tab- columns?

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: way to align -tab- columns?
Date   Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:11:36 -0400

I need to tabulate a large number of variables -

  qui {
	foreach V of varlist _all {
		noi tab `V', m

for distribution to others.

The problem is that, logging the output as SMCL, the
tables are not aligned - they stagger back and forth
across the page according to the length of the labels
on the values:

      yhf_renal |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
           Mild |        140       16.36       16.36
Moderate/Severe |         75        8.76       25.12
              . |        641       74.88      100.00
          Total |        856      100.00

yhf_ondialy |
        sis |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
        Yes |          3        0.35        0.35
          . |        853       99.65      100.00
      Total |        856      100.00


It would be ever so much cleaner if I could have a fixed
width for the left column of labels, because with 30 pages
of this it is, well, staggering. Any ideas? -table-
lets me align things, but it won't give me the running
percentages in each table.


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