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Re: st: re: installing V10, V9

From   Nick Winter <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: re: installing V10, V9
Date   Thu, 21 Feb 2008 10:35:19 -0500

Speaking for Windows, my guess is that this will work fine, with a few caveats noted on the list so far.

Under Windows at least, by default Stata installs the program files in directories that include the version number (c:\program files\stata10; c:\program files\stata9; etc.), and also seems to keep its registry keys in separately-named branches. So the basic installation and official update processes seems like they will not step on each other, which is why it works to install version 9 and then version 10, as I and many others have done.

The caveats I see for Windows, as others have noted, are that the OS's file associations will be to the last-installed version, which might or might not be what you want. Stata can restore the file associations in the OS to version 10 if you want (Edit-Preferences-Restore File Associations), though.

The other issue is the user ado path (the PERSONAL and PLUS directories); these will by default point to the same place. That's great if you want both installations to see the same set of add-ons; a problem if you don't. I don't recall whether Stata gives you an option to relocate those directories on install.

- NW

Kit Baum wrote:

To follow up on my earlier posting, Sylvain wants to install V9 on a system where V10 is already installed. I have no familiarity with how these files are structured on Windows, but it is certainly possible that if he uses the Stata media to get the appropriate V9 files installed he will overwrite the equivalent directories for V10, rendering his V10 installation unusable. There are ways around this for the knowledgeable user (i.e. one who knows how to give commands to rename directories, etc.) but as Nick Cox said there care must be taken to end up with a system on which both executables are usable, coupled to the appropriate ado-files.

That said, it is certainly possible -- by redefining elements of the ADOPATH -- to make the same set of PLUS and PERSONAL adofiles accessible to more than one copy of Stata (presuming that that makes sense).

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
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Assistant Professor                             434.924.3359 f
Department of Politics                  [email protected] e
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PO Box 400787, 100 Cabell Hall
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