Hi Austin,
I ran your program with my data set of 190717 observations and found the following result.
. Grubbs2 lnwage, lev(95)
macro length exceeded
The variable lnwage is float type. What is the size of the macro length that is allowed to be used by this program. How to use program with 190717 or more number of observations in the data set.
With regards.
Badri Prasad
Policy, Reporting and Data Development
Labour Standards and Workplace Equity
National Labour Operations Directorate
(819) 956 - 8146
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Austin Nichols
Sent: 2008-02-20 11:48 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: Outlier: Detection
Sergiy, is there a reason to limit n to 90, or to use -inspect-
(necessarily limiting n to 99)? Would this version accomplish the
same goal?
program Grubbs2, rclass sortpreserve
syntax [varlist] [if] [in] [, Level(int 95)]
marksample touse
foreach v of local varlist {
tempvar c
qui bys `v' `touse': g `c'=_N-_n if `touse'
qui count if `c'==0 & `touse'
local n=r(N)
local t2=(invttail(`n'-2,(1-`level'/200)/(2*`n')))^2
local G_cr=((`n'-1)/sqrt(`n'))*sqrt(`t2'/(`n'-2+`t2'))
quietly levelsof `v' if `touse', local(levs)
if `: word count `levs''!=`n' error 198
loc levsum=0
loc sqsum=0
foreach lev of local levs {
local levsum=`levsum'+`lev'
local sqsum=`sqsum'+`lev'*`lev'
local mean=`levsum'/`n'
local levsdev=sqrt(`sqsum'/`n'-`mean'*`mean')
local outliers
foreach lev of local levs {
local Z=abs(`mean'-`lev')/`levsdev'
if `Z'>`G_cr' local outliers "`outliers' `lev'"
di as txt "Outliers in `v': " as res "`outliers'"
return local outliers="`outliers'"
sysuse auto
Grubbs2 pr-gear, lev(99)
Grubbs2 pr-gear if for==1, lev(99)
Grubbs2 pr-gear if for==0, lev(99)
(Disclaimer: I have not read the Grubbs article, but I share Maarten's
skepticism about the utility of this approach.)
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