Take a look at -expand-
For example:
input id duration count year
1 4 1 1990
2 3 1 1995
expand dur
bysort id: replace year = year +_n -1
by id: replace count = _n
l , sepby(id)
On Jan 31, 2008 10:58 AM, Lektzian, David <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalist,
> I have a question regarding the expansion of a cross-sectional
> time-series dataset that I am working with. Basically, I have cases
> with an indicator of the duration of the case in years. I would like to
> expand this data out so that there is a separate observation for each
> year that the case existed. I would also like to include a count of
> which year the case is in, and a year variable tracking the year. Could
> anybody help me with the creation of a simple do file that would expand
> the data?
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