Jessica �lschl�ger :
I doubt this claim. Can you show the output of e.g.
loc x "ln_openquota_oecd ln_govbaladj_oecd ln_unemployment
ln_lgovinvquota outputgap l.totalpop rintratelt syr termstrade fdiin
t1100gdp t1200gdp t2000gdp t3000gdp t5000gdp"
xtreg gwgdpvdpc `x' if year >=1990, fe
count if e(sample)
su `x' if e(sample)
instead of -list- output?
On Jan 24, 2008 1:49 PM, Jessica �lschl�ger
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalisters,
> I'm running a fixed effects regression (xtreg, fe) using an unbalanced panel
> dataset.
xtreg gwgdpvdpc ln_openquota_oecd ln_govbaladj_oecd ln_unemployment
> ln_lgovinvquota outputgap l.totalpop rintratelt syr termstrade fdiin
> t1100gdp t1200gdp t2000gdp t3000gdp t5000gdp if year >=1990, fe)
Stata gives me the following output:
> Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 53
> Group variable: coid Number of groups = 14
> I would like to get hold of the 53 observations stata uses for the
> regression.
> But when I type
> list if e(sample)
> Stata gives me back a lot more observations than just 53 (see below).
> (shortened)
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