It's not clear what you want Stata to do here given missings: try harder?
If there are missings, the only way to get more out is to put more in, e.g. impute values where missings would be otherwise. And then you need to discount your results accordingly.
[email protected]
Jessica [iso-8859-1] �lschl�ger
I've got an unbalanced panel dataset covering 30 OECD-countries (i) over a
period of 15 years (t).
Running for example a fixed effects regression, I lose a lot of observations
to the missings in some of the variables (as I said, I'm dealing with an
unbalanced panel).
In some cases I only have about 50 observations left.
I've tried to figure out why this is the case, and I suspect that Stata uses
only those observations of one country where there are no missings in any of
variables X_i at time t.
Is there a way to some kind of "save on observations" i.e. tell stata to use
of the observations available irrespective of the fact that some of the
observations for a country i (panel) at time t are missing?
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