In addition to Friedrich's helpful answer, note that this is
an FAQ:
FAQ . . Creating variables recording prop. of the other members of a
4/05 How do I create variables summarizing for each
individual properties of the other members of a
The FAQ outlines a method that is likely to be somewhat more
efficient than Friedrich's method, replacing a loop over all
observations with a loop over within-group identifiers.
[email protected]
Friedrich Huebler
The commands below should give you what you need. Other list members
may be able to offer more efficient solutions.
sysuse auto, clear
keep mpg rep78 foreign
egen group = group(rep78 foreign)
replace group = . if rep78 == . | foreign == .
gen median = .
local n = r(N)
quietly forvalues i = 1/`n' {
gen temp = mpg if `i' != _n
bysort group: egen temp2 = median(temp)
replace median = temp2 in `i'
drop temp temp2
replace median = . if group == .
Erasmo Giambona
> I am using the following code to get the median of my ffo variable
> within a certain industry/year for a sample of firms:
> egen ffo=median(med_ffoq ), by(industry year).
> However, I need to exclude the own firm before calculating the
> industry median for ffo. Does anyone has any suggestions on how I
> could do this with egen or any other command?
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