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st: issues with right clicking and editing graphs in Mac OS X 10.5

From   Arun Rajamohan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: issues with right clicking and editing graphs in Mac OS X 10.5
Date   Sat, 10 Nov 2007 06:37:41 -0500

Hi Statalisters,

I am using Stata 10 on Mac OS X 10.5. I have been noticing this issue for almost over 2 weeks now and just found some time to report it and see if anyone has a solution or setting to avoid this issue. Once I create a graph my preferred way to edit it is to open graph editor, right click and select 'plotregion properties' or 'axis properties' or 'line', 'scatter' properties and then work on it. I do this rather than selecting preferences on the graph editor menu bar. When I do this the plotregion with the scatter or line graph or the axis scale and labels all vanish. Of course this does not happen when I work from the graph editor menu. Also this did not happen when I used Mac OS X 10.4. Hence I am assuming that this is a Leopard issue ( ). I appreciate any advice from stata users or statacorp. Thanks,


Arun Rajamohan PhD
Department of Biology
Rm. 237, Biological and Geological Sciences Building
University of Western Ontario
London, ON N6A 5B7, CANADA
1-519-6112111 x80582
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