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st: several gr hbar but wants bar of same size

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: several gr hbar but wants bar of same size
Date   Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:11:56 +0000

dear statalisters,

windows xp pro sp2, stata 8.2,

i am creating a few gr hbar graphs with this syntax:

gr hbar noof if timetest=="varlists", over(test, sort (pos)) ytitle("No. of studies") ysc(r(0 35)) ylab(0 (5) 35)

because the varlists are different for each graph, without modifications, i ended up with fixed size graphs, but where the bars and axes are squeezed (some are difficult to read). i can correct this somewhat with ysize & labsize but the results are not aesthetically pleasing because i just could not get the right ysize(s) so that i would have consistent relative appearances of the e.g. font sizes (of the axes) and the bars. i hope i am making sense.

i would appreciate advice or suggestion(s) on how to approach this. thank you in advance.


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