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Re: st: Error "too many options" in twoway graph

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Error "too many options" in twoway graph
Date   Thu, 12 Jul 2007 17:08:18 -0500

You could try -set trace on- to find where the problem occurs.

Also, can you replicate this problem with Stata data set?

The example below works even though two of the value of rep78 only
produce one graph:

sysuse auto,clear
levelsof rep, local(levels)
foreach l in `levels' {
     keep if rep == `l'
     local t1  title1
     local t2  titre2
     local t3  titre3
     local t4  titre4
     local t5  titre5
     twoway scatter price mpg , title(,justification(left) size(tiny)
)   || lfit price mpg ,  ///
	 by(fore, subtitle("`t1'" "`t2'" "`t3'" "`t4'" "`t5'"
,justification(left) ) ///
	 caption("`note'`l'" ,size(tiny) )) ylabel(, angle(horizontal))
name(gr`l', replace)


On 7/11/07, Andr� Jeannin <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello list,
I'm using the following code to generate a series of graphs:

levels table , local(mtable)
foreach mt in `mtable' {
         keep if table == `mt'
         local t1 = serie + ". " + titre1
         local t2 = titre2
         local t3 = titre3
         local t4 = titre4
         local t5 = titre5
         twoway (scatter y year , title(,justification(left) size(tiny) ) )
|| lfit y year , ///
                 by(affect1a, subtitle("`t1'" "`t2'" "`t3'" "`t4'" "`t5'"
,justification(left) ) caption("`note'`mt'" , size(tiny))) ///
                 ylabel(, angle(horizontal))

This works fine for most of the values of mt, but for two values I get a
"too many options" error message. These two values would generate only two
graphs on each page (according to affect1a), i.e. fewer than most of the
other pages which are generated without problem. The data used for the
graphs are fine, no missing values, right type, etc.

Thanks for any help.


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