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st: matrix - how to copy row names into data?

From   "Ada Ma" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: matrix - how to copy row names into data?
Date   Mon, 9 Jul 2007 21:15:52 +0100

Hi Statalist,

I have a matrix:
A1  x
B2  x
C3  x

The x's are the numbers, I can svmat them into data without any
problem, but I want to copy the names of the rows (A1, B2, C3) into
the data as well (so that I can export the rownames as well as the
numbers into a CSV file).  How do I do that?

I know I can store the rownames into a local and then stick the
rownames into the data one by one, but I think there must be faster
neater ways to do that.  All suggestions welcomed!

Thanks in advance!
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