Below is one way to added individualized subtitles. Without the -ycommon-
option on the graph combine, the middle subgraph (#5) is not as wide as the
others, though I am not sure why.
Hope this helps,
graph drop _all
irf graph irf, irf(test_irf) individual iname(A)
local i = 1
foreach l1 in Log(C) Log(Y) Log(I) {
foreach l2 in Log(C) Log(Y) Log(I) {
graph disp A`i'
if `i' >6 {
local ixtitle Years
local ixlabel #5
else {
local ixlabel ""
graph addplot, subtitle("Response of `l1' to a `l2' Shock" , ///
size(small)) legend(order(1 "95% CI" 2 "IRF") ) ///
xlabel(none) xtick(#5) xtitle("`ixtitle'") xlabel(`ixlabel')
local gr "`gr' A`i'"
local ++i
grc1leg `gr', title(My Title)
grc1leg `gr', title(My Title) ycommon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Michael S. Hanson
> Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 10:24 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: RE: Modifying -irf graph- output
> .
> On Jun 15, 2006, at 6:34 PM, Scott Merryman wrote:
> > Regarding the legend options, a -legend()- option inside the -by()-
> > will
> > alter its position, while a -legend()- option outside the -by()-
> > will alter
> > its contents. For example:
> >
> > irf graph irf, irf(test_irf) byopts(title(My Title) yrescale ///
> > xrescale note("") legend(pos(3) )) legend(stack col(1) ///
> > order(1 "95% CI" 2 "IRF") symx(*.5) size(vsmall)) xtitle("Year")
> Thanks: I don't think I would have figured out to use the two
> separate -legend- options on my own. Is this documented somewhere
> that I simply missed?
> > Regarding the -xtitle- , are not all the titles the same in such a
> > graph?
> -xtitle- might have been a bad choice to illustrate this point.
> Alternatively, one might want to place -xlabel-s on each of the
> subplots, rather than just the final row as the default, for
> example. Or, more importantly, one might have different units of
> measurement for each of the variables in the (S)VAR, which would
> suggest different -ylabel-s by row. Such a case would occur in the
> Luktepohl data were an interest rate included in the VAR, for example.
> > To have individualized subtitles, I think you will have to create
> > the graphs
> > individually and then combine them or perform surgery on
> > varirf_graph.ado.
> I suspected as much, but was hoping that some non-apparent (to me)
> set of options (such as the -legend- -legend- trick above) or an
> undocumented option might allow more control over the display of
> these subtitles. Oh well. Thanks once again for all your insight on
> this issue.
> -- Mike
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