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st: RE: Fw: regarding stata MLE

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Fw: regarding stata MLE
Date   Thu, 8 Jun 2006 13:59:05 +0100

This is already programmed for you as -regress-. 

[email protected] 

N.B. Please do not send HTML to the list.

Suddhasil Siddhanta 
I've just begun with the maximum likelihood with Stata.

Can you please help me in this regard. My estimation equation is a linear one with normal distribution.  

Y = constant + ax1 +b x2, where y is the dependent variable, a, b are the coefficient and x1, x2 are the independent variables. 

Can you please help me in providing a programme that will run for the equation. 

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