As implied in my own simultaneous posting, don't
underestimate the amount of programming documentation
in [U].
While you are ordering [P], subscribe to the Stata
Journal too.
[email protected]
Newson, Roger B
> You need to find out about the -syntax- and -args- commands. In Stata,
> type
> whelp syntax
> to find more about -syntax-, and
> whelp args
> to find more about -args-.
> The hardcopy documentation is in the Stata Programming Manual
> under -[P]
> syntax-. You should probably read this manual, if you have access to a
> copy. Unfortunately, the Programming Manual is no longer
> shipped as part
> of the base documentation set, and users have to order it
> specially. So
> you may possibly have to do the best you can with the online help.
Steffen Groening
> I was trying to do write my own little .ado program, but encountered
> some problems while doing that.
> Hopefully you can help me out here.
> How do you hand over the parameters you enter when calling an .ado
> program?
> E.g. you type: programname if parameter1 parameter2 parameter3
> How can i address the values entered for parameter1,
> parameter2, etc. in
> the .ado file?
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