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Re: st: Svyset Question

From   Suzy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Svyset Question
Date   Thu, 23 Mar 2006 03:55:55 -0500

the svy commands have slightly changed from Stata 8 to Stata 9. The correct commands can be obtained by either typing "help svy" in the command window, using the drop down statistics window and looking under survey data analysis, or looking on the Stata website for the new changes. Here is an example of the new command:

svy, subpop(if fhdm==1) vce(linearized): mean age bmxbmi, over(sex2)
(running mean on estimation sample)

Survey: Mean estimation

Number of strata = 28 Number of obs = xxxxx
Number of PSUs = 57 Population size = 2.6e+08
Subpop. no. obs = xxxx
Subpop. size = 9.3e+07
Design df = 29

0: sex2 = 0
1: sex2 = 1

| Linearized
Over | Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
age |
0 | 45.51097 .3948983 44.70331 46.31863
1 | 44.15914 .5061177 43.12401 45.19427
bmxbmi |
0 | 29.22276 .1960976 28.82169 29.62382
1 | 28.64678 .1977614 28.24232 29.05125

Stelios Orphanos wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to use the svyset command with a dataset. I typed: Svyset [pweight=a], strata (b)
Everything is fine so far.
Then I try to do
Svy: tabulate oneway var1 var2
But I cannot. I get an error msg saying that oneway is not supported by vce
Do you have any clue how to compare means for two or more groups using
the svy prefix? For stata 9 ?

Thanks in advance,

Stelios Orphanos
Stanford University, Doctoral Student (APA)
M.A in Ed.Administration Harvard Graduate School of Education

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