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st: assigning codes to variables in bulk

From   "Marino, Jennifer" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: assigning codes to variables in bulk
Date   Thu, 23 Feb 2006 09:14:38 -0800

I am doing the following and fervently believe that there are more
elegant, faster ways to do this. (I am working in Stata 8.2 but will be
updating to 9 any day now.) Occupational history codes jobnum1-jobnum16
each take one of 500 values from 003 to 909, and I am assigning a
Nam-Powers status value (1 to 100) to each occupation held.  

forvalues i=1 to 16{
gen jobstatus`i'=.
forvalues i=1 to 16{
 replace jobstatus`i'= 86 if jobnum`i'== 003 
forvalues i=1 to 16{
 replace jobstatus`i'= 77 if jobnum`i'== 004 
forvalues i=1 to 16{
 replace jobstatus`i'= 08 if jobnum`i'== 909 

It's not a problem to me to do this in this kludgy fashion, but I'd like
to learn how Stata experts would do it. Please enlighten me. Thank you
very much.

Jennifer Marino, PhC
University of Washington/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

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