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Re: st: Re: slow

From   <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Re: slow
Date   Sat, 18 Feb 2006 10:58:30 -0300 (ART)

Thanks again I`ve decided to wait...
The command xtabond2 is a type of IV so as you said it require a lot of

> I think you are stuck with my original option 3 -- get a faster
> computer.  I'm not that familiar with xtabond2, but it's probably a good
> guess given  what little I do know that they require a lot of
> calculations.  One other  possibility- if you are allocating more memory
> than is physically available  you could speed things up quite a bit by
> adding RAM.  If the hard drive is  being used a lot during the do file,
> then that may be the problem.
> Michael Blasnik
> [email protected]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:39 AM
> Subject: Re: st: Re: slow
>> I`ll try the second
>> i`ve run the same code for other panel (small) and it works excellent
>> the small panel have 23 countries and 8 periods for each one
>> the large panel have 23 countries and 41 years for each one
>> the do file has many regresions some are:
>> xtabond2 lncp lnrgdpli lncrecpop lnts lnkh, twostep small gmm(lnrgdpl,
>> lag(2 5)) iv(lnts lncrecpop lnkh) noleveleq
>> xtabond2 lncp lnrgdpli lncrecpop lnts lnkh, twostep small gmm(lnrgdpl,
>> lag(2 5)) iv(lnts lncrecpop lnkh)
>> Thanks a lot
>> Ines
>>> I see three alternatives:
>>> 1) Rely on the psychic abilities of people reading your message to
>>> tell you  how to improve your do file's speed
>>> 2) Show us the actual code in your do file that seems to be running
>>> slow to  give the non-psychic readers a better chance
>>> 3) Get a faster computer
>>> It's your choice
>>> Michael Blasnik
>>> [email protected]
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