Amazing! - How long has this -separate- command been in existence? I
have been doing this by hand since Stata 3.
Al F.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:30 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: -separate- command
Starting from where you left off:
. separate mpg, by(mpg>20)
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
mpg0 float %8.0g mpg, !(mpg>20)
mpg1 float %8.0g mpg, mpg>20
. egen group = group(mfg), label
. gen group2 = group + cond(year == 1990, -0.2, 0.2)
. twoway scatter mpg group
, yla(0(5)40, ang(h)) xla(1/9, notick valuelabel) ms(none)
|| bar mpg0 group2 , base(0) barw(0.4)
|| bar mpg1 group2 ,
base(0) bcolor(yellow) barw(0.4) legend(off) ytitle(Miles per gallon)
Old Stata saying: "When you run into a wall with -graph bar-, jump over
it with a -twoway bar-." (Loses a bit in translation from British.)
[email protected]
H Wright
> Given this example, is it possible to have the bars with greater than
> 20mpg come up in some other color, like yellow?
> Thank you for any help.
> -----------------------------------
> sysuse auto,
> gen mfg=word(make,1)
> sort mfg fore
> by mfg fore: keep if _n>3
> * now there is a reasonable size
> collapse mpg, by(mfg fore)
> save temp, replace
> gen year=1990
> append using temp
> replace year=2000 if year==.
> replace mpg=mpg*1.1 if year==2000
> graph bar mpg, over(year) over(mfg) asyvars
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