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Re: st: a question about loop and local marco name

From   "Jian Zhang" <[email protected]>
To   Richard Williams <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: a question about loop and local marco name
Date   Thu, 26 Jan 2006 13:29:01 -0800 (PST)

Thanks, Richard! Your explanation is really helpful! also, your guess is 
right that I am using Intercooled and Small Stata, which explains why the 
local marco command with equal sign does not work since my list has more 
than 80 characters.   

> At 03:42 PM 1/26/2006, Richard Williams wrote:
> >At 03:20 PM 1/26/2006, Jian Zhang wrote:
> >>It turns out that this time it works with AND without an equal sign in
> >>the local marco command.  I am really confused.  Is there any
> explanation
> >>why STATA does this?  Is there a general rule for using equal sign or
> not
> >>in the local marco command?
> >>
> >>Thank you very much!
> >>
> >>Jian Zhang
> >
> >What Stata are you using?  As pointed out on p. 202 of the Stata 9 
> >users Guide,  if you use the = sign, strings are limited to 244 
> >characters in Stata/SE and 80 characters in Intercooled and Small 
> >Stata.  Your string is more than 80 characters.  If you skip the 
> >equals sign, you can go several thousand characters (how much 
> >depends on what Stata you have.)  So, it is better to not use the 
> sign.
> Correction: If I am reading the help right, as of Stata 9.1 all three 
> versions of Stata now allow string expressions of 244 characters. So, 
> I am guessing that you are either using Stata 8 or else do not have 
> the most up to date version of Stata 9.  In any event, you are still 
> better off avoiding the equal sign in this case.
> -------------------------------------------
> Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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