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Re: st: Re: Trying to do some multiple imputation
"roy wada" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Re: Trying to do some multiple imputation
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 18:40:21 -0500
Mosi wants to keep his old value:
Change your income variable to some other name prior to imputing it.I would like to end up with a variable in my original dataset (das1995r)
with a new variable for income. That is, the old variable will still be
there ('income') but there would also be a new variable at the end of the
dataset (das1995r) that represents old values for 'income' with new values
for 'income' where there were once missing values. I would like this
variable to be called, 'imp_income.'
gen income0=income
ice [varlist including income] using imputed, m(10) genmiss(m_) seed(123)
Your original income will be income0. If you want all your originial
variables, generate a new variable for each. This command will give you the
10 waves of data. You seem to want only 1 wave. You should see -impute-.
Single imputations will give you the wrong standard error, however.
Further analysis should be done with -micombine-. See help micombine.
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