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st: graph y-axis equal x-axis in lengths

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: graph y-axis equal x-axis in lengths
Date   Mon, 23 Jan 2006 16:47:38 +0000

dear statalisters,

Stata 8.2 Window XP Pro SP2

i have done a graphs of twoway scatter type. y-axis and x-axis are of two differering scales. what i want to do is to make the plot square'ish i.e. the y-axis equals to x-axis lengthwise. in the past, for some reasons, this has never posed me a problem - i did "...ysize(n) xsize(n)" and stata gave a square graphs i.e. equal vertical and horizontal graph spans as well as equal vertical and horizontal plot region. this time it seems to have not worked. i tried empirically and got the plot squae'ish using ysize(6) and xsize(5).

for my own stata education, i am just wondering whether there is a command that i missed to enable formation of a square'ish graphs i.e. both for the graph spans and the plot region will appear square'ish when axes scales are not the same? any help/advice is appreciated.

i have checked [G] -axis- and -plot but could not find what i am looking for.


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